

Cooking i byen · Indre by Aalborg Akvavit

Vil du opleve hvor lækkert akvavit kan smage? Så prøv det til, og i, nye spændende retter, der er inspireret af lokale danske specialiteter.


Til Snapseskolen – smag for det enkle, Danmark Rundt, kan du smage, hvordan snaps og ny dansk gastronomi passer sammen i en lille treretters smagsmenu sammensat af tre kendte danske madinfluencere.
Her vil smagsekspert Lars Kragelund fortælle om snaps: fra dets forskellige nuancer til hvordan mange drikker snaps helt forkert, og hvordan man bedst nyder de klare og gyldne dråber.

Tider og priser

Tidspunkt Pris
16.00 – 17.00 Gratis
17.30 – 18.30 Gratis

Find event

Dronningens Tværgade 7, gårdhus 2
1302 København K

School of Schnaps

Do you want to experience how great Danish aquavit can taste? Try it with exciting new dishes inspired by local Danish specialties!

The historic Danish distillery Aalborg Akvavit invites you to the tasting-event School of Snaps: taste for the simple, where you can taste how aquavit and schnaps fit new Danish gastronomy – all fixed for you in a mini three-course tasting menu created by three famous food influencers and recipe developers.
The “Taste expert” Lars Kragelund will guide you through the experience of schnaps: From the nuances and food paring to how you might drink aquavits in the wrong ways and how you should instead enjoy the spirits.

OBS this event will take place in Danish.